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Beyond Office Culture

Long before the pandemic, we have partly adopted “working from anywhere” culture. And turns out that workplace flexibility has its perks!


#1 Work From Anywhere

Long before the pandemic, we have partly adopted "working from anywhere" culture, sometimes from home, cafe, or even mall.

One to three times a week, the team gathered at the office for briefing.

#2 Productivity

Working from anywhere is actually rewarding and productive for us, with less commuting hours and less ineffective meetings.

We still work 9 - 5.30 Monday to Friday to ensure all projects done in timely manner (Thanks to Trello app) and keep the balance between working and personal life.

#3 Working With Brands is About Being and Observing

Besides tackling with design projects, before the pandemic, we also observer daily habits of people.

We sit down in a cafe to chit chat with clients, get a closer look into the brands market, and visit malls to check out the new design trends.

#4 Location Does Not Matter

Workplace flexibility helps us selecting the right talents without worrying about geographic barriers.

We now have welcomed talents from out of towns to join our team serving our worldwide clients.

#5 Thanks to Technology

To keep every designer at the same page, the team is being managed via Trello, communicating daily on WhatsApp, and meeting via Zoom when needed.

Projects are being assigned according to each designer's expertise.

#6 Getting The Jobs Done

Location should not limit our productivity, especially during this pandemic season!

Working from anywhere is very doable and actually helps us to think beyond four walls and get the jobs done.

Thanks to TrelloApp, Zoom and WhatsApp, we can still be as productive as before!

See more design updates on Instagram @Onograph

For design consultation, contact Whatsapp +62 819 0513 4353


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